Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cloudy day

Sun hasn't come out all day in Singapore--both literally and figuratively.

It turns out that I managed to lose an entire day of photos from my time in Angkor Wat. For whatever reason (I swear I saved them onto my memory stick), photos from the day in which I visited Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, and Ta Prohm during the daytime are missing, and are not on either one of my memory cards. Photos I took both the day before and the day after are on there, just not those, which means I am missing some spectacular shots of Bayon, Baphuon, Angkor Wat, the Terrace of the Elephants, and the terrace of the leper king.

Oh, and I have officially run out of space on my current memory stick, which means I will have to buy a new one.

I'm in the midst of another marathon photo upload session, since I want to have everything backed up.

Hopefully, I'll be fully updated by tonight

Wish I could describe some really exciting things about Singapore, but while the colonial district and the civil district are fun places to walk around, my problem is that I'm a little burned out on the colonial stuff, and the sky was cloudy. The place just doesn't have the same level of sketchiness that can lend itself to funny stories (saying I decided to tempt fate and that of arrest by jaywalking just isn't all that laughable after i've been offered all sorts of illegal stuff in Cambodia).

If it wasn't for the humidity, you could easily forget you were in southeast asia. Minimal number of touts, everything's expensive, and drivers don't try to kill you.

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